In this complex case you have: 

  • Load Balancing enabled 

  • Reverse proxy 

  • Web credentials 

  • Application Portal  

  1. Create the following web credentials : 

  1. For TSP_user1 : webusername = test1 and webpassword = Test1Letme1n21 

  1. For TSP_user2 : webusername = test2 and webpassword = Test2Letme1n21 

  1. Since your users are local, and in order to perform the test on the gateway server (which also acts as an application server), assign SRV-TSPLUS-1 server to both users from the AdminTool\FARM\Assigned Servers 

  1. Since you have the Application Portal enabled, this also requires your users to be able to open multiple session, setting that you will enable from the AdminTool\SESSIONS\Settings\Session Management Settings 

  1. Z drive is not mapped from tspadmin session, so have it mapped it manually using the provided path & credentials, and created the following files : 

  1. Z:\user-1\TestUser1.txt 

  1. Z:\user-2\TestUser2.txt 

  1. Some permissions issues can appear when trying to give permissions to user-1 and user-2 folders, probably related to the fact that these users are local from SRV-TSPLUS-1 and the folder’s properties indicate stgtsplus from the permissions tab : 
    Graphical user interface, text, application, email 
Description automatically generated 

So create the following logon scripts and place them on the related user’s Roaming folder : 

C:\Users\TSP_user1\AppData\Roaming\logon.bat -> net use Z: \\\tsplus\user-1 /u:stgtsplus1 ik+Fg58FYtWKLYUJoC+nHAZpct1hAgSGoDl+SSxsK04TW7NfwLyUhvlXUHmeKqKUlWGXSA87mQMriDntEN1p2Q== 

C:\Users\TSP_user2\AppData\Roaming\logon.bat -> net use Z: \\\tsplus\user-2 /u:stgtsplus1 ik+Fg58FYtWKLYUJoC+nHAZpct1hAgSGoDl+SSxsK04TW7NfwLyUhvlXUHmeKqKUlWGXSA87mQMriDntEN1p2Q== 

  1. From the AdminTool\APPLICATIONS\Publish tab, add Folder.exe application, with Z: as command line, and assign it to both user (application is called Access User 1) : 

Graphical user interface, text, application, email 
Description automatically generated 

  1. Connect using both test1 and test2 web credentials from your WEB Portal, and you should be  able to get the Application Portal, and when you click on “Access User 1”, you should have the correct txt file created in the user’s persistent storage : 

Graphical user interface, website 
Description automatically generated 


With test1 –TSP_user1) : 

Graphical user interface, text, application 
Description automatically generated 


With test2 – TSP_user2 : 

Graphical user interface, application 
Description automatically generated 




For your next users, you will need to also assign “Access User 1” application to them, copy and edit logon.bat with the correct user’s persistent storage path. 

The same would need to be performed on the second server of your FARM, since when using the Application Portal feature, all the servers (Gateway and Application Servers) need to have the same applications assigned to the user.