TSplus - Displaying an RDP session on some monitors.
The needs of our customers are evolving, and nowadays a significant proportion of them operate several monitors (2, 3 or even 4 monitors connected to their workstation). These users run both local applications (their corporate email, their web browser) and remote applications through TSplus. These customers wish to display the RDP session only on certain monitors.
1 - Using Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection
The Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection module allows you to display the RDP session either on a single monitor or on all monitors via the "Use all my monitors for the Remote session" check box.
The user is unable to display the RDP session on 2 of his 3 monitors.
However, it is possible to change the behavior of the Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection client by editing the .rdp file.
Save the RDP file, and open it in a text editor like Notepad.
The RDP file may look like this:
screen mode id:i:2
span monitors:i:1
use multimon:i:1
First, list the monitors connected to the local computer.
- open the Run window (Win+R) and enter the command: mstsc /l
- the Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection module lists the monitors
In this example, 0 represents the central monitor, 1 the left monitor, and 2 the right monitor.
If the user wishes to use the left screen (1) and center screen (0) during the RDP session, then the display information in the .rdp file will be :
screen mode id:i:2
span monitors:i:1
use multimon:i:1
If the user wishes to use the center screen (0) as well as the right screen (2) during the RDP session, then the display information in the .rdp file will be :
screen mode id:i:2
span monitors:i:1
use multimon:i:1
Note : The management of the monitors starts at 0 in RDP, while the Windows Display Manager lists the monitors starting from 1.
2 - Using TSplus Remote Client
TSplus Remote Client is a .connect file (since TSplus v11.40). It is an encrypted file containing connection information and additional parameters. This file can only be used after the Setup-ConnectionClient.exe module has been installed on the client computer.
This Setup is available on your server, in the folder TSplus\Clients\WindowsClient.
This Setup is also available in the folder TSplus\Clients\www\ConnectionClient and downloadable from the web portal associated with the TSplus server (example : https://demo.tsplus.net/ConnectionClient/Setup-ConnectionClient.exe).
The latest version of this module can be downloaded at https://dl-files.com/Setup-ConnectionClient.exe.
The module is deployed in the directory of the local user session, in the RDP6 subdirectory.
Example: the local user is John Doe, the module will be deployed in C:\Users\John Doe\RDP6.
When executing a .connect, the information contained in the file is decrypted by the module contained in the RDP6 directory of the local session, then an .rdp file is generated and executed. This file, also contained in the RDP6 directory, is named Session.rdp.
Using the same procedure as for Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection, it is possible to modify the generated Session.rdp file to adapt the display of the RDP session on some of the user's screens.
Note : Since the Session.rdp file is generated on the fly when running .connect, it will be necessary to modify the properties of this file and check the "Read Only" attribute.
Note : This procedure only works if the user uses a single .connect. If the user uses multiple .connect files, each run will generate the Session.rdp file on the fly. And if the Session.rdp is read-only, then the session will be opened on the first server.