If the application you wish to use with TSPlus is already compatible with the use of Microsoft Terminal Server, then, most likely it will work also with TSplus.
You can benefit from dual screens if your two screens are connected to the same graphical adapter, other configurations are not supported.
- By checking the dual screen box in the display tab of the client generator, you can move your remote session to both screens.
- By checking the span box, you can extend your remote session to both screens.
Please make sure you are using the latest release of TSplus for this purpose!
Regarding Dual Screen support with RemoteAPP:
You need to download and install Setup-RemoteAppclient.exe.
It equates to Setup-ConnectionClient.exe.
Get it here : dl-files.com/Setup-RemoteAppClient.exe
The RemoteAPP display mode works only for the published application(s).
The RemoteAPP mode cannot display the remote desktop, as RemoteApp allows to see the user's desktop.
In order to apply the dual screen mode using RemoteAPP, you need to modify this file :
C:\Program Files (x86)\TSplus\Clients\www\software\remoteapp2.js
And change this value to 'on' instead of 'off': var remoteapp2_dualscreen = 'on';
Please note that RemoteAPP is a component that generates an RDP connection, not HTML5.