TSplus Command lines (TSplus v14.50.2.4) to run in Administrator mode :
Web server :
- AdminTool.exe /webstop (stops the TSplus web server)
- AdminTool.exe /webstart (starts the TSplus web server)
- AdminTool.exe /webrestart (reboots the TSplus web server)
Backup (https://docs.terminalserviceplus.com/tsplus/advanced-backup-database) :
- AdminTool.exe /backup
- AdminTool.exe /restore
Printer service :
- net stop spooler (stop the spooler)
- net start spooler (start the spooler)
Volume Licensing (Volume License administration guide) :
- AdminTool.exe /vl
- AdminTool.exe /proxy
Installation :
- UpdateRelease.exe /VERYSILENT /NORESTART
- "C:\Program Files (x86)\TSplus\UserDesktop\files\AdminTool.exe" /update
You can add a "/Addons" if you want to update addons as well, and then update silently, these parameters are enough.
To NOT update or install addons such as TSplus Advanced Security, add the value "no" :
UpdateRelease.exe /VERYSILENT /Addons no
example :
You can also configure the proxy settings manually by running the following command line as an elevated Administrator:
AdminTool.exe /proxy /set /host proxy.company.org /port 80 /username dummy /password pass@word1
/ set
Action to be performed on the proxy settings
/host (ie | none | custom)
The destination host can be a predefined value (e.g. "ie" or "none") or a user-defined value (ex. or proxy.company.org) This parameter is mandatory.
/port 80
The port number used to connect to the proxy server. Required if the hostname value is custom user-defined value.
/username dummy
The username to connect to the proxy server.
This setting is optional.
/password pass@word1
The user's password must be supplied if a username has been defined.
However, its value can be empty.
Installation of the Connection client :
- Setup-ConnectionClient.exe /VERYSILENT /CURRENTUSER
- Setup-ConnectionClient.exe /VERYSILENT /ALLUSERS
If you don't use either /CURRENTUSER or /ALLUSERS, the silent installation won't work.
In details : as we use InnoSetup, the list of available commands are listed here :
Web credentials via a command line :
On the Windows Start Menu, on the execute field, type in: 'cmd.exe'
(or in Programs/Accessories > 'Windows Power Shell')
Then, in order to go to the right folder,
type: cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\TSplus\UserDesktop\files",
then press Enter to validate
To add a new Web Credential, type:
AdminTool.exe /webcredentials-add your_web_login your_web_password your_windows_login your_windows_password maximum_concurrent_sessions
To add a blank credential,
type two double quotes: "" to indicate a blank text.
To delete a web credential,
type: AdminTool.exe /webcredentials-remove your_web_login
Adding a third-party SSL certificate :
"C:\Program Files (x86)\TSplus\UserDesktop\files\cert\CertificateManager.exe" /add <certificate path>
Requirements :
Make sure that you add a certpassword.txt file located in C:\Program Files (x86)\TSplus\UserDesktop\files\cert directory containing the certificate password