Yes, it is possible to batch the creation of Generated Clients.
You will need to follow a strict process.
The generation module called ClientGenerator.exe is located in
C:\Program Files (x86)\TSplus\Clients\WindowsClient
The module supports the following parameters:
Connection information:
- server: server ip address, or dns (example:
- user: user login
- psw: user password
- port: port (rdp, http, https) listened by the server
- domain: Active Directory or LDAP domain name
Display settings:
- color: 15,16,24 or 32 (color depth in bits)
- full: 1 for a windowed display, 2 for a full screen display
- width: from 800 to 1920 for the screen width in pixels
- height: from 600 to 1080 for the screen height in pixels
- remoteapp: on / off to activate or not the RemoteApp display mode
- seamless: on / off to activate or not the Seamless display mode (valid for Windows XP, Windows 7)
- dualscreen: on / off to activate or not the use of a second screen
- alttab: 0/1 to activate or not Alt + Tab in the rdp session
- localtb: 0/42 to hide or not the local taskbar
- span: on / off to activate or not the span function
- smartsizing: 1/0 to activate or not the conservation of the proportions of the display
- speed: low / high to configure the display quality according to the bandwidth
Local resource settings:
- disk: on / off to activate or not the mount of local disks
- selectdisk: all / list of disks separated by ',' to reassemble all the disks or specific drives
- print: on / off to activate or not the mount of printing devices
- sound: on / off to activate or not the redirection of audio
- usb: on / off to activate or not the mount of USB devices
- com: on / off to activate or not the mount of COM devices
- smartcard: on / off to activate or not the mount of smart cards
Universal Printer settings:
- preview: on / off to activate or not the display of PDF on client-side
- default: on / off to activate or not the use of the default printer
- select: on / off to activate or not the selection of a local printer
Parameters for the execution of a specific program:
- apppath: path to the executable | launch directory | additional parameters (allows to force the launch of a specific application)
Connection client security settings:
- lock: allows to limit the use of the connection client to a machine name (example: -lock pascal-pc)
- serial: limit the use of the connection client to the serial number of a hard disk
- timelimit: allows to limit the duration of use (in days) of a connection client
- nosave: on / off to activate or not the possibility of saving identifiers on the client computer
- saveusernameonly: on / off to activate or not the possibility to save only the user name on the client computer
- encryptionv2: on / off to activate or not level 2 encryption. Required if the password uses special characters, such as German-speaking, Cyrillic or Asian characters.
Load repair parameters:
- loadbalancing 1 / o to activate or not the load balancing feature
- ploadbalancing: http / https port number of the web server associated with the gateway
- gatewayhostname: name of the Microsoft RD Gateway
- gatewayusagemethod: method of using the Microsoft RD Gateway
Connection client backup settings:
- name: name of the connection client (example: -name client-01.connect)
- location: save path of the .connect file (example: -location c: \ tmp)
If you want to deploy a standardized connection client in its global settings, the easiest would be to generate a connection client, then edit its parameters and copy its parameters into your generation batch.
To do this, once the connection client has been generated,
- go to the RDP6 directory of the user session (c: \ users \ <current session> \ RDP6) and run ConnectionLauncher.exe.
- then select the previously generated .connect file.
- click on 'Edit file'.
- click on 'OK' to close the parameters presentation window.
- the parameters are displayed in the form of a command line that you can script, by adding the parameters for saving the connection client.
Below is an example of a connection client generation script:
cd "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ tsplus \ Clients \ WindowsClient" ClientGenerator.exe -server -user JohnDoe -port 443 -color 16 -encryptionv2 on -printer off -com off -smartcard off -preview on -default off -select off -speed high -disk off -usb off -sound off -dualscreen off -span off -loadbalancing 1 -ploadbalancing 88 -localtb 42 -full 2 -remoteapp off -seamless off -width 1024 -height 768 -smartsizing 0 -name JohnDoe.connect -location D: \ backups \ files_connect