We handle all of our transaction from the USA using FastSpring, an on-line shopping professional service.

Because it is a US transaction, your purchase is recorded as a US dollar transaction and the receipt must be in US dollars to legally reflect the transaction.

You will need to ask your accountancy department to remove the vat from the invoice for your company as this is a standard procedure.

If you wish to drop a line to FastSpring, feel free to do it, but according to us, it is a very usual and normal business process.

FastSpring support is available here : https://support.fastspring.com/

For FastSpring, you can get the invoice using the follwing address: https://sites.fastspring.com/tsplus/order/invoice/JWTXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX

Where JWTXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX is your Purchase Order number reference.

Just replace the 'X's by the numbers of your Purchase Order.