A black or blue screen display when a user tries to login can be issue from very various causes.

These empty screens usually appear because a service was unable to be processed.

BLUE screen issue appears on:

- Windows 7 & 7 pro

- Windows 8 & 8 pro

- Windows Server 2008 & 2012

BLACK screen issue appears on:

- Windows 10 & 10 Pro

- Windows Server 2016 & 2019

Because the issue can be caused by various origins, we suggest that you proceed step by step with each of the following solutions:

Always update your server with the latest release of TSplus - we fix issues in every new version we release

- download and install this update: http://dl-files.com/data/UpdateRelease.exe

- make sure no users are logged in before installing this update, you can check for remote users by launching a task manager and clicking on the users tab. 

- disabling your anti virus is also recommended. 

- make a scan exclusion rule on C:\wsession and C:\Program Files (x86)\TSplus\UserDesktop\files and make sure your users have sufficient rights to read and execute all programs in these folders.

- reboot of the server is required.

You will find more detailed information about TSplus updating process here : http://www.terminalserviceplus.com/docs/updating-terminal-service-plus

Your server runs Windows Server 2016 with more than 15 users

The issue happens when more than over 15 users connect using the Windows Remote Desktop option in TSplus: Windows gets unable to create the new desktops properly even though there is no issue regarding CPU and RAM usage.

To solve the issue you need to use our alternate shell called WinXshell.

- open the AdminTool > Advanced > Session

- enable 'Force WinXshell'

- enable 'Use WinXshell when required'

- reboot the server.

Try these steps first:

1rst STEP

  • run GPEDIT.MSC
  • Go to Administrative Templates,
    Windows Components,
    Remote Desktop Services,
    Remote Desktop Session Host,
    Remote Session Environment and open 'Use hardware graphics adapters for all Remote Desktop Services sessions'.

  • Enable the setting and close GPEDIT.MSC.

2nd STEP

  • Run CMD.EXE and type the 'GPUPDATE /FORCE' command to update the local strategies.
    You should first get 'Updating policy...' then 'User Policy update has completed successfully.'

  • Now open a remote connection from a user workstation and check if the remote connection works.
    If it doesn't work, go back to 'Use hardware graphics adapters for all Remote Desktop Services sessions' and check 'Disable', force the strategy and try again.

  • Update Windows to the latest patch.
    It would happen to any RDP server with more than 16 users logged in.
    > Server GPO > Remote Desktop Hosting > Connections > RDP type >use TCP only.

3rd STEP
  • Try disabling the Windows service "AppReadiness" as a troubleshooting step. You don't need to do a reboot. 

In many cases the issue is related to the Antivirus software installed on the server.

Please perform the following tasks:

- run "regedit.exe",

- then go to "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon"

- the entry "Userinit" on the right site must have the following value: 


- If not > you have the black screen issue!

- then make sure that the virus protection does not change this entry again.

Your video and graphic drivers are obsolete

Check if your GPU (graphic card) drivers and update them.

This also applies to CPU embed graphic chipset such as Intel HD Graphics

Teamviewer is installed

Teamviewer is known to sometimes conflict with RDP, thus with TSplus.

Please check these links regarding the issue:

- https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/TeamViewer-General/Session-Goes-black-screen-once-Remote-Desktop-session-is-closed/td-p/28984 

- https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/TeamViewer-on-Windows-servers/ta-p/4572

Your server has 2 independent graphic cards (dedicated GPU + CPU graphic chipset)

Deactivate on of the two GPUs, reboot the server and try again.

For maximum compatibility CPU embed GPU is to be preferred such as Intel HD Graphics chipset. 

If using Generated Clients : disable smart sizing 

- open the AdminTool, go to Sessions > Client Generator > Remote Desktop client tab and un-check Smart re-sizing.

Force Windows Classic

- launch cmd.exe and type gpedit.msc, then press Enter,

- In the Group Policy window please navigate to User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Control Panel -> Personalization and open 'Force a specific visual style file or force Windows Classic'.

- click on Enabled to apply this GPO and leave the above box blank to force Windows Classic

- to finish press ok button and close Group Policy window.

Set your users to the POWER USER profile

Perform the tasks described in this page : https://www.gfisk.com/remote-desktop-black-screen/

bitmap cache (???)

remove RDP cache

logonsession is not present

logonsession is blocked by the antivirus / network security suite

no application has been assigned to the user

user session had failed to properly end, because user didn't perform a "log off"